Water Damage Restoration – What You Need To Know

Water damage restoration is a process that addresses structural damage and mold growth by removing standing water, sanitizing the area, and drying it out. It also includes replacing drywall and carpet padding that is unsalvageable.

It is best to use an IICRC-certified Restore Draper professional as they follow strict industry standards and regulations. They will inspect your property and determine the level of damage.

water damage restoration

Inspect The Damage

After shutting off the water and electricity, it’s important to inspect the damage. This is because wet materials can develop major problems like mold within 24 hours. Therefore, it’s important to start the restoration process as quickly as possible. Inspecting the damage helps you determine the full scope of the work that needs to be done.

A water damage inspection starts with identifying all areas where there is water intrusion. This includes assessing wet ceilings and looking for signs of water damage such as watermarks and paint that is peeling, bubbling, or crumbling. It’s also important to note any areas where there is a lot of wood warping, especially if the wood is structural.

Once the inspector has identified all areas that have been affected by water damage, they can begin the process of removing the excess water. This is usually done using large pumps and vacuums that can remove gallons of water at a time. In addition, the experts can use a moisture meter to measure the amount of moisture in the walls and wood.

If the level of water damage is class 4, it will require extensive drying and replacement of materials. This is often done by a restoration company that is certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification (IICRC).

For less severe water damage, the repairs can be made without the need to replace materials. However, if the damaged materials are structural, they will need to be replaced as soon as possible. This is especially true for any wood that has developed a mold or mildew problem. This can be replaced with new, high-density wood to prevent any further damage.

Shut Off The Water

If you notice water damage, you should first shut off the power to any areas that are affected by the water. This is a critical step because electricity and standing water do not mix well. You should also make sure to turn off the main water supply line to the house if possible. This will prevent any additional water from entering your home, and it will stop the leak in its tracks.

Next, you should drain as much of the water as possible. This can be done by using sponges, mops, and rags. You should also remove any wet rugs, and you should try to ventilate the area. This will help to reduce the risk of mold and mildew development.

You should also check for any electrical hazards in the area. If you see any exposed wires, you should stay away from the area until a professional can inspect it.

Water damage restoration professionals use a variety of equipment to inspect the level of damage and determine what needs to be done. This may include submersible pumps if there is a lot of water, wet-dry vacs for smaller areas, or simply buckets and mops if the damage isn’t too extensive.

Once the inspection is complete, the water damage restoration company will begin the cleaning and drying process. They will use a variety of tools and equipment, including fans and dehumidifiers, to eliminate excess moisture. They will also use disinfectants to sanitize the area.

If you are dealing with serious water damage, it’s best to reach out to a water damage restoration company right away. They will have the skills, tools, and experience to tackle the job quickly and efficiently. They will also be able to detect hidden issues that you might not have noticed, such as mold or sewage contamination.

Disinfect the Area

As the water damage repair process continues it’s important to disinfect the area. Standing water doesn’t just damage the structural integrity of your home, it can also breed bacteria and mold spores that can cause serious health problems for occupants. To help prevent this, use a bleach solution to wipe down surfaces and deodorize the area.

If you’re able to, open all the doors and windows in the affected areas to promote air circulation and speed up the drying process. You can also use fans and dehumidifiers to help. It’s also a good idea to wear gloves, head protection, and rubber boots while working in the area.

Once the area is dry, it’s time to start assessing the damage. Start by looking for any signs of moisture stains or swelling. If you see any of these, it’s likely that the materials and items in the area are water-damaged and will need to be removed and destroyed.

While it’s difficult to part with personal belongings, anything that can’t be washed or disinfected should be thrown away. This includes mattresses, pillows, rugs, cosmetics, books, baby toys, and even drywall. This is because most of these items come into contact with sewage and flood water, which can cause severe health problems.

It’s best to leave the cleanup and restoration of your home’s water damage to an IICRC-certified professional. These experts know how to thoroughly clean and dry your home, restoring it to its pre-damage condition. They follow industry best practices to ensure that the job is done correctly and safely. Plus, they use environmentally friendly cleaning and drying methods that don’t harm the environment or the occupants of your home.

Dry The Area

Depending on the extent of the water damage, different types of equipment may be required to dry out the area. Water damage restoration companies typically use air movers and dehumidifiers to accelerate the drying process and prevent mold growth. These pieces of equipment are also able to detect humidity levels and automatically turn off when the moisture level in the air is below the target amount.

When it comes to selecting the right water damage restoration company, it is important to find out how long they have been in business and if they have any references from previous clients. Ask potential companies what their price range is and whether they offer any discounts. You should also find out what type of equipment they use and if it is up to industry standards.

Once the water has been removed, it is time to start drying out the affected area. This is a slow and tedious process, but it is essential to prevent further damage to the property. The longer moisture is allowed to sit, the more it can penetrate drywall and other materials, which will make it much more difficult to dry.

To speed up the drying process, it is often necessary to remove any items that can be reused. This can include furniture, clothing, documents, and electronics. This process is known as a pack-out and is often covered by your homeowner’s insurance policy.

If there is any remaining water in the structure, a wet/dry shop vacuum can be used to remove it. It is also important to check the walls with a moisture meter before refinishing them. If the walls are not completely dry, it can cause a lot of damage to your home or commercial property.

Clean Up

As soon as water damage occurs, it is important to act quickly. This will help prevent further damage to your property, protect your belongings, and save you money on unnecessary repairs.

The first step is to identify and stop the source of the water. This may be as simple as shutting off the main water valve if the flood is caused by a leaking pipe or it could require filling and placing sandbags to keep water from flowing into your home if you are dealing with river, lake, or pond flooding.

Once the water is stopped, the next step in water restoration is to extract the moisture from the property. This is done using commercial-grade pumps and vacuums that can remove gallons of water in a short amount of time. Once the water is removed, the area must be thoroughly dried. This is often accomplished by using air movers and dehumidifiers to circulate the air and remove moisture from the property.

Finally, the area must be cleaned and sanitized to prevent the growth of mold and other harmful microorganisms. This can be done by using disinfectants and antimicrobial treatments. In addition, any materials that have been destroyed by the water should be removed and replaced as soon as possible to prevent structural damage from occurring.

While it is possible to do some water damage restoration on your own, it is always recommended that you call a professional. Not only will they have the equipment necessary to restore your property, but they will also be able to determine whether the damage is caused by something that can be repaired or if it is a serious issue that requires the replacement of materials and reconstruction. In addition, they are trained to follow proper safety protocols when working in a water-logged environment.